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Address : 58, Gautam Complex Sector-
11, CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai- 400614 Mobile :
9769011141 Tele-Fax :
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About Us...
The opening up of the insurance sector
in India has generated new demands in the
industry. The
foremost amongst these is
the professional approach of the sales personnel.
With new opportunities,
the task of
insurance selling has become more challenging and
therefore a sales person needs to
his knowledge and skills with a truly professional
commitment and dedication to be
successful. Hence the need for a holistic
training. It was in the above background that
Institute of
Insurance Training &
Development (IITD) was established in Delhi and
with the passage of time has
come to be
recognized as a premier insurance training
institute in the country. IITD is primarily
committed to build better sales and
service personnel in the insurance industry, as
also in other
industries where insurance
is one of the felt needs for effective performance
of the organization. It also
caters to the
information building and dissemination of
knowledge and skills to managers in
insurance industry, banks, broking
companies and call
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